Ciara Dec
2 min readMay 3, 2021



Last year was a really hard time in my life, because of a past relationship. I was always putting my trust into him and forgiving him for things that shouldn’t have been forgotten. I tried pushing it past so we can plan our future together, but old things kept being brought up and I couldn’t get away from it.

But honestly, I didn’t want to get away from it. I knew he was not treating me like I was supposed to be treated and I for gave him for way too much. Now, I have a hard time putting my trust in people because I’m scared of being pushed around again.

Forgiving people is very important, however it shouldn’t be look past. If you tend to forgive too much whether that be through simple things or through the worst, you will get used. I found out that this is one of the important things you learn in life, and as unfortunate as it is, it also gives you something to learn about yourself.

Now that I’m not in that relationship anymore there’s so many things that I’ve learned about my mental state, and it’s making me stronger as a person. There are many things that should just be pushed out of the way and forgotten, but now I know when I should forgive people or when I should take it as a learning lesson.

It is okay not to forgive someone for something that they did, because then if they leave you know they weren’t a true friend, or a close person to you. When someone messes up in life, they should earn up to it, and this will also make people realize that they do not need to be forgiven for what they did, because they will know what they did wrong so it wouldn’t happen again.

Forgiveness is very important to have, however you shouldn’t forgive people for all the bad things they may do. There will be a time and a place where they realize what they did, and hopefully it will allow them to grow as a person.

